
✿ Kitty Blossoms d'Eat Sleep Polish

Swatch of the nail polish "Kitty Blossoms" from Eat Sleep Polish
Hello les filles,
Comme nous sommes en plein commencement du Printemps et en plein Hanami (floraison des cerisiers japonais), j'ai jugé bon de poser le très beau "Kitty Blossoms" de la marque Eat Sleep Polish.

Hello girls,
As we are in full spring and fully in Hanami (flowering sakura trees), I thought it would be the perfect time to pose the beautiful "Kitty Blossoms" from the brand Eat Sleep Polish.

Swatch of the nail polish "Kitty Blossoms" from Eat Sleep Polish

"Kitty Blossoms" est un custom (vernis personnalisé), créé pour le groupe Facebook des fans de la marque : "Eat Sleep Polish : A Kitty Haven".

"Kitty Blossoms" is a custom nail varnish created for the Facebook fans group of the brand: "Eat Sleep Polish: A Kitty Haven".

Swatch of the nail polish "Kitty Blossoms" from Eat Sleep Polish

Malheureusement Caterina, la créatrice de la marque a cessé de créer des vernis depuis la rentrée 2016. Et c'est bien dommage car Eat Sleep Polish était l'une de mes marque chouchous.

Unfortunately Caterina, the creator of the brand has ceased to create nail lacquers since 2016. And that is a shame because Eat Sleep Polish was one of my favorite brands.

Swatch of the nail polish "Kitty Blossoms" from Eat Sleep Polish

De plus, j'avais créé un vernis en collaboration avec Eat sleep Polish qui aurait dû sortir l'année dernière mais il ne sera jamais mis en vente, je te le montrerai un de ces jours.

Moreover, I had created a nail polish in collaboration with Eat sleep Polish that should have come out last year but it will never be sold, I'll show it to you someday.

Swatch of the nail polish "Kitty Blossoms" from Eat Sleep Polish

Du coup, j'en profite pour porter certains de ces beaux vernis lorsque l'occasion se présente. Et aujourd'hui, c'est donc le tour du beau "Kitty Blossoms".

So, I take the opportunity to wear some of these beautiful nail varnishes when the opportunity come out. And today is the turn of the beautiful "Kitty Blossoms".

Swatch of the nail polish "Kitty Blossoms" from Eat Sleep Polish

J'ai mis la photo d'inspiration qui a servi à créer ce vernis à la fin de l'article. Je dois avouer que je m'attendais plutôt à un rose pâle ou à un bleu ciel, et que j'ai été surprise mais pas déçue du résultat final.
I put the inspiration picture that was used to create this nail lacquer at the end of the post. I must admit that I expected a pale pink or a sky blue, and that I was surprised but not disappointed with the final outcome.

Swatch of the nail polish "Kitty Blossoms" from Eat Sleep Polish

"Kitty Blossoms" est un très beau rose // rouge holographique au shimmer bleu qui fait penser au ciel se reflétant sur les fleurs. Il est opaque en deux couches et est très agréable à appliquer.

"Kitty Blossoms" is a very beautiful 
holographic red // rose with a blue shimmer that reminds one of the sky reflection on the flowers. It is opaque in two layers and is very pleasant to apply.

Swatch of the nail polish "Kitty Blossoms" from Eat Sleep Polish

Tu l'auras compris ce beau vernis n'est donc plus disponible à la vente, mais n'hésite pas à fouiller les vide vernithèque, tu devrais pouvoir le trouver :)

You will have understood this beautiful nail lacquer is therefore no longer available for sale, but do not hesitate to look for it on destash sales, you should be able to find it :)

Swatch of the nail polish "Kitty Blossoms" from Eat Sleep Polish

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