
❥ TenderHeart d'Enchanted Polish

Swatch of the nail polish "TenderHeart" from Enchanted Polish
Coucou les filles,
Aujourd'hui c'est la Saint-Valentin, et j'ai donc souhaité finir en beauté ma sélection de vernis idéaux à porter pour cette occasion. Et c'est donc "TenderHeart" d'Enchanted Polish que j'ai choisi.

Hi girls,
Today is Valentine's Day, so I wanted to finish my selection of nail polishes ideal to wear for this occasion. And so it's "TenderHeart" from Enchanted Polish that I chose.

Swatch of the nail polish "TenderHeart" from Enchanted Polish

"TenderHeart" est un top coat pailleté faisant partie de la collection "Love A Lot Glitter" de la marque de vernis à ongles indie Enchanted Polish.

"TenderHeart" is a glittery top coat that is a part of the "Love A Lot Glitter" collection of the indie nail varnish brand Enchanted Polish.

Swatch of the nail polish "TenderHeart" from Enchanted Polish

Cette collection est composée de 5 top coats pailletés tous les plus déjantés les uns que les autres : "Freeze Machine", "Daydream Surprise", "Wish Me Good Luck", "TenderHeart", et "Tummy Time".

This collection has 5 glittery top coats, each one more crazy than the others: "Freeze Machine", "Daydream Surprise", "Wish Me Good Luck", "TenderHeart", and "Tummy Time".

Swatch of the nail polish "TenderHeart" from Enchanted Polish

Je n'en possède que deux vernis de la collection "Tender Heart" que voici que j'ai acheté sur la Pshiiit Boutique en 2013 et "Freeze Machine" que je t'ai présenté le mois dernier mais que tu peux revoir ici.

I own only two nail lacquers from this collection: "Tender Heart" over here that I bought on the Pshiiit Boutique in 2013 and "Freeze Machine" that I showed you last month but that you can see here again.

Swatch of the nail polish "TenderHeart" from Enchanted Polish

Ici, je l'ai posé en une couche par-dessus "June 2015" également d'Enchanted Polish. Ce fût un de mes premiers vernis de la marque, et j'y tiens particulièrement. Comme tu peux le voir, il contient un sacré mix de paillettes : micro paillettes rouges et bleues, losanges argentés et holographiques, coeurs rouges et violets holographiques, etc...

Here I put one layer over "June 2015" also from Enchanted Polish. It was one of my first nail varnish from the brand, and I particularly care for it. As you can see, it contains a hell of a mix of glitter: red and blue micro glitter, silver and holographic diamond shaped sequins, red and purples holographic hearts, etc ...

Swatch of the nail polish "TenderHeart" from Enchanted Polish

Cette collection "Love A Lot Glitter" est dédiée aux Bisounours, et pour la petite histoire "Love A Lot" (Gros Bisou) est mon Bisounours et "TenderHeart" (Gros Câlin), le Bisounours de mon chéri !

This collection "Love A Lot Glitter" is dedicated to the Care Bears, and for the story "Love A Lot" is my Care Bear and "TenderHeart", the Care Bear of my boyfriend!

Swatch of the nail polish "TenderHeart" from Enchanted Polish

Je regrette de ne pas avoir "Tummy Time" et "Wish Me Good Luck", mais je ne désespère pas de les trouver un de ces jours. En revanche "Freeze Machine" c'était un achat un peu impulsif et je le regrette un peu.

I regret not having "Tummy Time" and "Wish Me Good Luck", but I do not despair of finding them one of these days. On the other hand, "Freeze Machine" was a rather impulsive purchase and I regret it a little bit.

Swatch of the nail polish "TenderHeart" from Enchanted Polish

Et voilà, notre série spéciale vernis à ongles de la Saint-Valentin s'achève déjà. J'espère que tu auras trouver des idées pour ce soir !

Here it is, our special Valentine's Day nail polish series is coming to an end. I hope it gave you some ideas for tonight!

Swatch of the nail polish "TenderHeart" from Enchanted Polish

D'ailleurs, n'hésite pas à me dire ce que tu vas porter pour l'occasion ! Je porte "Shall Be My Queen" d'A-England, mais je pense le pimper un peu et pourquoi pas avec "TenderHeart" ! Bisous et bonne soirée !

Besides, do not hesitate to tell me what you are going to wear for the occasion! I wear "Shall Be My Queen" from A-England, but I think I'm gonna pimp it a little and why not with "TenderHeart"! Kisses and enjoy your evening!

Swatch of the nail polish "TenderHeart" from Enchanted Polish

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