
❦ Mr. Burgundy // Enchanted Polish

Swatch of the nail polish "Mr Burgundy" from Enchanted Polish
Hello les filles,
Aujourd'hui, j'ai décidé de te montrer le swatch d'un très beau vernis de la marque Enchanted Polish : "Mr. Burgundy".

Hello girls,
Today I decided to show you the swatch of a very beautiful nail polish from the brand Enchanted Polish : 
"Mr. Burgundy".

Swatch of the nail polish "Mr Burgundy" from Enchanted Polish

J'ai profité que nous sommes toujours en Automne pour te montrer ce sublime vernis aux couleurs de la saison. J'adore l'automne et je trouve que ce vernis est idéal à porter durant cette période de l'année.

As we are still in Autumn, I thought it would be a great opportunity to show you this sublime nail lacquer which adorns the colors of the season. I do love Autumn and I think this nail varnish is ideal to wear right now.

Swatch of the nail polish "Mr Burgundy" from Enchanted Polish

Il a une teinte assez unique, je crois ne pas en avoir de similaires dans ma vernithèque. A la lumière artificielle, je le qualifierais d'aubergine.

It has a fairly unique hue, I believe not to have any similar one in my stash. Under artificial light, I would call describe it as eggplant.

Swatch of the nail polish "Mr Burgundy" from Enchanted Polish

Cependant à la lumière naturelle, il paraît plus brun. Il est très holographique et à un très léger shimmer doré. Il est opaque en deux couches et est très agréable à poser.

However to natural light, it appears more brown. It is very holographic and has a very light golden shimmer. It is opaque in two layers and is very pleasant to lay.

Swatch of the nail polish "Mr Burgundy" from Enchanted Polish

Je le trouve vraiment magnifique et très élégant, il porte super bien son nom, même s'il pourrait aussi s'appeler "Miss Aubergine" !

I find it super beautiful and very elegant, it really deserves its name, although it could also be called "Miss Aubergine!"

Swatch of the nail polish "Mr Burgundy" from Enchanted Polish

Il fait partie de la collection "Laugh Out Loud" qui est sortie en 2013. Cette collection est composée de 12 vernis : "As If", "Afternoon Delight", "Ballerina Sprinkles", "Beautiful Rule Breaking Moth", "Horizontal Running", "I'm Kind Of A Big Deal", "Love The Way You Lilac", "Majestic", "Mr. Burgundy", "Shrimp Cocktail", "Stay Classy San Diego", et "Water For Unicorns".

It is a part of the "Laugh Out Loud" collection which was released in 2013. This collection has 7 nail lacquers : "As If", "Afternoon Delight", "Ballerina Sprinkles", "Beautiful Rule Breaking Moth", "Horizontal Running", "I'm Kind Of A Big Deal", "Love The Way You Lilac", "Majestic", "Mr. Burgundy", "Shrimp Cocktail", "Stay Classy San Diego", et "Water For Unicorns".

Swatch of the nail polish "Mr Burgundy" from Enchanted Polish

J'en possède 6 de la collection : "Afternoon Delight", "Love The Way You Lilac", "Majestic", "Mr. Burgundy", "Stay Classy San Diego", et "Water For Unicorns".

I own 6 nail varnishes of this collection : "Afternoon Delight", "Love The Way You Lilac", "Majestic", "Mr. Burgundy", "Stay Classy San Diego", et "Water For Unicorns".

Swatch of the nail polish "Mr Burgundy" from Enchanted Polish

Mon graal verniesque est "I'm Kind Of A Big Deal", dont je rêve de mettre la main dessus, il est hors budget, mais je ne désespère pas !

My naily grail is "I'm Kind Of A Big Deal," I dream to get my hands on it, it is above budget, but I do not despair!

Swatch of the nail polish "Mr Burgundy" from Enchanted Polish

En tous cas c'est une magnifique collection, et même si elle est ancienne, ne désespère pas toi non plus, "Water For Unicorns" a bien été remis en vente cette année, alors avec Chelsea, on ne sait jamais !

Anyway, it is a stunning collection, and even if it is old, do not despair either, "Water For Unicorns" has been re-released this year, so with Chelsea, you never know!

Swatch of the nail polish "Mr Burgundy" from Enchanted Polish

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