
❄ December 2013 // Enchanted Polish

Swatch of the nail polish "December 2013" from Enchanted Polish

Hello les filles,
Aujourd'hui, j'ai décidé de te montrer le swatch d'un monthly de l'année 2013, (il m'en reste encore quelques-uns à te montrer), voici : "December 2013" d'Enchanted Polish.

Hello girls,
Today I decided to show you the swatch of a 2013 monthly nail polish (I still have a few left to show you), here is: "
December 2013" from Enchanted Polish.

Swatch of the nail polish "December 2013" from Enchanted Polish

"December 2013" est l'un des vernis mensuels imaginés par Chelsea, la créatrice de la marque indie Enchanted Polish. A l'époque ce n'était pas encore des vernis mystères.

"December 2013" is a monthly nail polish designed by Chelsea, creator of the indie brand Enchanted Polish
At the time those were not mysteries nail varnishes yet.

Swatch of the nail polish "December 2013" from Enchanted Polish

"December 2013" est un vernis nude beige de texture crème modérément holographique et au shimmer rose doré nacré, le holo est "fondu" dans le vernis. Il est opaque en 2 couches et il est agréable à appliquer.

"December 2013" is a nude beige moderately holographic nail lacquer with a creamy texture and a pearly golden pink shimmer, the holo is "melted" in the nail varnish. It is opaque in 2 layers and is pleasant to apply.

Swatch of the nail polish "December 2013" from Enchanted Polish

"December 2013" étant l'un des premiers monthlies, il n'est pas trop difficile facile à trouver et il a une côte d'environ 20 et 25€.

"December 2013" is one of the first monthlies, it is not super hard to find and has a coast which is around $22.

Swatch of the nail polish "December 2013" from Enchanted Polish

En 2013, je ne l'avais pas pris, car je n'avais pas été hyper séduite par le swatch de Chelsea, et je n'étais pas encore tombée dans la folie des EP.

In 2013, I had not taken it because I had not been really seduced by Chelsea's swatch, and I was not yet fallen into EP's madness.

Swatch of the nail polish "December 2013" from Enchanted Polish

J'aurai du me fier à ma première opinion car il ne m'a pas conquise. Il est joli mais je le trouve un peu "mou", et je trouve dommage que le "holo" soit noyé dans le vernis, par contre j'aime que son shimmer soit visible pour une fois.

I shall have trust my first opinion because it did not conquered me. It's pretty but I found it a bit "soft", I think it's too bad that the holo is drowned into the nail lacquer, on the other hand I really like the fact that the shimmer is visible for once.

Swatch of the nail polish "December 2013" from Enchanted Polish

Cette teinte de nude ne vas pas trop à mon teint malheureusement, mais c'est très très difficile de trouver la bonne teinte qui se mariera parfaitement avec sa couleur de peau. Mon nude parfait, c'est le "Milky Ways" de Lime Crime que tu peux revoir ici (non holo).

This shade of nude does not go too well to my complexion unfortunately, but it is very very difficult to find the right tint that will marry perfectly your complexion. My perfect nude is "Milky Ways" from Lime crime than you look over here (non holo).

Swatch of the nail polish "December 2013" from Enchanted Polish

Il est opaque en deux couches et s'applique plutôt facilement comme tous les anciens Enchanted Polish. Et si le nude va bien à ton teint, alors fonce !

It is opaque in two layers and it applies rather easily, like all the formers Enchanted Polish. And if nude suits well your complexion, so you should definitely go for it!

Swatch of the nail polish "December 2013" from Enchanted Polish

Cette année les monthlies 2016 sont des shimmers, je ne les ai pas pris, mais si tu es intéressée et que tu ne veux pas les rater, la vente à lieu ce soir même à 19h sur le site d'Enchanted Polish et c'est un pre-order.

This year the 2016 monthlies are shimmers, I didn't take them, but if you're interested and you don't want to miss them, the sale is in a few hours on Enchanted Polish's website and it's a pre-order.

Swatch of the nail polish "December 2013" from Enchanted Polish

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