
♣ "Aisling's Secret" d'Eat Sleep Polish

Swatch of the nail polish "Aisling's Secret" from Eat Sleep Polish
Coucou les filles,
Après "Belle Of The Ball" et "Fawns Furry Friends", me voici de retour avec un nouveau vernis de la très jolie collection "Fairies & Princesses Part 2" (fées et princesses) de la marque indie canadienne Eat Sleep Polish : "Aisling's Secret".

Hi girls,
After "Belle Of The Ball" and "Fawns Furry Friends", I'm back with a new nail polish from the lovely collection "Fairies & Princesses Part 2" from the Canadian indie brand Eat Sleep Polish : "Aisling's Secret. "

Swatch of the nail polish "Aisling's Secret" from Eat Sleep Polish

"Aisling's Secret" est un superbe bleu turquoise, il donne envie de partir dans les îles. Son seul défaut est qu'il est opaque en 3 à 4 fines couches, mais il sèche très vite et est très agréable à appliquer.

"Aisling's Secret" is a beautiful turquoise blue, it makes you want to go the islands. Its only flaw is that it is opaque in 3 to 4 thin layers, but it quickly dries and is very pleasant to apply.

Swatch of the nail polish "Aisling's Secret" from Eat Sleep Polish

Il a un joli shimmer bleu métallisé, il me fait un peu penser à "Christmas In Paradise" de Glitter Elements ou encore à "Mystic Orchid" de Aly's Dream Polish, mais c'est le plus beau des 3 et de loin !!

It has a nice metallic blue shimmer, it makes me think of "Christmas in Paradise" from Glitter Elements or to "Mystic Orchid" by Aly's Dream Polish, but it's the most beautiful of the 3 by far !!

Swatch of the nail polish "Aisling's Secret" from Eat Sleep Polish

"Aisling's Secret" doit son nom à la fée "Aisling" du dessin animé "Brendan et le Secret de Kells" qui est en partie une production française ! Je ne l'ai jamais vu mais l'histoire à l'air passionnante, je le regarderais très certainement !

"Aisling's Secret" is named after the fairy "Aisling" of the cartoon "The Secret of Kells" which is partly a French production! I've never seen it but the plot seems exciting, I certainly will have a look!

Swatch of the nail polish "Aisling's Secret" from Eat Sleep Polish

Cette collection est composée de 6 vernis tous dédiés à des princesses ou des fées, elle est idéale pour l'été et j'ai hâte d'arborer ces couleurs vives lorsqu'il fera enfin beau.

This collection has 6 nail polishes all dedicated to princesses or fairies, it's ideal for summer and I cannot wait to wear those bright colors when at last it will be sunny.

Swatch of the nail polish "Aisling's Secret" from Eat Sleep Polish

Il y à déjà une partie 1 à cette collection, je ne l'ai pas mais elle est composée de 5 vernis et est toujours disponible sur le site de la marque si tu veux.

There is already a part 1 to this collection, I do not have it but it has 5 nails lacquers and it's still available on the brand's website if you'd like.

Swatch of the nail polish "Aisling's Secret" from Eat Sleep Polish

Cette collection m'a été envoyée pour revue honnête par Eat Sleep Polish. Et je suis contente car c'est mon premier partenariat avec une marque de vernis alors lorsque l'on adore la marque et la créatrice, c'est encore plus appréciable !!

This collection was sent to me for an honest review by Eat Sleep Polish. And I'm really happy because this is my first partnership with a brand of nail varnish, then when you love the brand and the designer, it is even more valuable !!

Swatch of the nail polish "Aisling's Secret" from Eat Sleep Polish

Tu peux retrouver les vernis de la marque Eat Sleep Polish sur le site de la marque et la collection "Fairies & Princesses Part 2" par ici. La marque livre dans le monde entier, et Eat Sleep Polish est 3 Free, Cruelty Free, et Vegan.

You can find the nail lacquers of the brand Eat Sleep Polish on the brand's website and the collection "Fairies & Princesses Part 2" over here. The brand ships worldwide, and Eat Sleep Polish is 3-Free, Cruelty Free and Vegan.

Swatch of the nail polish "Aisling's Secret" from Eat Sleep Polish

On se retrouve dès demain pour un nouveau vernis de la collection ! Oui mais lequel ? Surprise !! Je vous embrasse les filles :D

See you tomorrow for a new nail polish from this collection! Yes but which one? Surprise !! Kiss you girls :D

Swatch of the nail polish "Aisling's Secret" from Eat Sleep Polish

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