
✾ April 2015 d'Enchanted Polish

Swatch of the nail polish "April 2015" from Enchanted Polish
Hello les filles,
Aujourd'hui, j'ai décidé de te montrer le swatch d'un très joli vernis, très délicat et élégant : le magnifique vernis "April 2015" d'Enchanted Polish.

Hello girls,
Today I decided to show you the swatch of a lovely nail polish, very delicate and elegant: the beautiful nail lacquer "April 2015" from Enchanted Polish.

Swatch of the nail polish "April 2015" from Enchanted Polish

"April 2015", est l'un des vernis mensuels mystères imaginés par Chelsea, la créatrice de la marque indie Enchanted Polish.

"April 2015", is a mystery monthly nail polish designed by Chelsea, creator of the indie brand Enchanted Polish.

Swatch of the nail polish "April 2015" from Enchanted Polish

"April 2015" a une teinte assez particulière, originale et difficilement définissable. Je dirais que c'est un blanc // gris // lilas au shimmer rose.

"April 2015," has a rather peculiar hue, original and difficult to define. I would say it is a white // gray // lilac with a pink shimmer.

Swatch of the nail polish "April 2015" from Enchanted Polish

Il a une texture crème, et est un peu épais, du coup je songe à y ajouter un peu de diluant afin de pouvoir poser des couches plus fines. Il est opaque en deux à trois couches.

It has a crème texture and is a little bit thick, so I think I'll add some thinner so I'll be able to get thinner layers. It is opaque in two to three layers.

Swatch of the nail polish "April 2015" from Enchanted Polish

Si tu veux l'économiser, je pense que tu peux le poser sans problèmes sur une couche de vernis blanc ou de pastel très clair (rose ou mauve, et peut-être même un nude).

If you want to save it, I think you can put it without any problem on a layer of white or very light pastel nail varnish (pink or mauve, and maybe even a nude).

Swatch of the nail polish "April 2015" from Enchanted Polish

J'ai été très séduite par le trimestre "March 2015", "April 2015", et "May 2015", je crois que ce sont mes trois monthlies préférés de l'année 2015.

I have been very seduced by the quarter "March 2015", "April 2015", and "May 2015", I think those are my three favorite monthlies of 2015.

Swatch of the nail polish "April 2015" from Enchanted Polish

Je trouve qu"April 2015" est vraiment un très très joli mois car il se démarque des autres. Autant j'ai beaucoup aimé "January 2015" et "February 2015" par exemple, mais cela reste des teintes assez classiques.

I think that "April 2015" is really a very beautiful month because it stands out. As much as I loved "January 2015" and "February 2015",  for example, but those are really quite classical shades.

Swatch of the nail polish "April 2015" from Enchanted Polish

Alors que là je suis totalement conquise par sa teinte enchanteresse. "April 2015" fait de très jolies mains, j'ai l'impression d'avoir des mains de princesse lorsque je le porte.

While there I am totally conquered by its enchanting hue. "April 2015," does very pretty hands, I feel like I have princess hands when I wear it.

Swatch of the nail polish "April 2015" from Enchanted Polish

Il serait parfait pour un mariage je pense, et au moins je suis sure de ne pas avoir de dupes dans ma vernithèque !!

It would be perfect for a wedding I think, and at least I'm sure I do not have any dupes among my stash !!

Swatch of the nail polish "April 2015" from Enchanted Polish

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