
♫ Lateralus d'Eat.Sleep.Polish.

Swatch of the nail polish "Lateralus" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.
Hello les filles,
Aujourd'hui je te présente le swatch de "Lateralus" un vernis de la marque indie canadienne Eat.Sleep.Polish. 3-Free, non testée sur les animaux et vegan.

Hi girls,
Here is the swatch of "Lateralus" a nail polish from the 3-free, Cruelty Free and Vegan Canadian indie brand Eat.Sleep.Polish

Swatch of the nail polish "Lateralus" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

Environ une fois par trimestre la marque propose à la vente l'achat de vernis mystères contenant des one-of-a-kind, des prototypes, des futures sorties, des vernis ayant peu d'exemplaires, des "oops", des échantillons, etc...

About once a quarter the brand organizes a sale of mysteries nail lacquers containing one-of-a-kind, prototypes, future releases, oops, samples, small batches, etc...

Swatch of the nail polish "Lateralus" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

A chaque fois, on peut en commander trois maximum, bien évidemment, c'est sans surprise que j'en ai pris trois !!!

Each time, we can order a maximum of three nail varnishes, of course, it is not surprising that I took three !!!

Swatch of the nail polish "Lateralus" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

J'ai eu ce joli "Lateralus", ainsi qu'un sublime rouge "Love Me Do", et un MA-GNI-FI-QUE mauve nommé "Butterfly Kisses".

I had this lovely "Lateralus", and a sublime red "Love Me Do" and a MA-GNI-FI-CENT lilac named "Butterfly Kisses".

Swatch of the nail polish "Lateralus" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

J'ai hâte de tous les poser pour te les montrer. D'ailleurs j'espère que tu n'es pas sujette à l'overdose de petits chats, car il risque d'y en avoir un paquet sur le blog ce mois-ci !

I am eager to ask them all so I can show you them . Besides, I hope you're not prone to small cats overdose, as there may be a bunch of them on the blog this month !
Swatch of the nail polish "Lateralus" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

"Lateralus" est un très beau violet holographique. Il tire plus vers le bleu bien qu'ayant un joli shimmer rose. Il est opaque en deux à trois fines couches.

"Lateralus" is a very beautiful holographic purple. He pulls over to the blue despite having a pretty pink shimmer. It is opaque in two to three thin coats.
Swatch of the nail polish "Lateralus" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

Il a une teinte vraiment particulière et originale pour un violet, et il me rappelle un peu "Cousin Machin" de Lilypad Lacquer que tu peux revoir par ici.

It has a really original and particular shade for a purple and it reminds me a little bit "Cousin Machin" from Lilypad Lacquer which you can see over here

Swatch of the nail polish "Lateralus" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

Il doit son nom à l'album "Lateralus" du groupe de musique Tool. Je ne connais pas du tout mais si certaines d'entre vous connaissent, n'hésitez pas à m'en faire part.

It owes its name to the album "Lateralus" from the band Tool. I do not know them at all, but if some of you know about them, please let me know.
Swatch of the nail polish "Lateralus" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

Voilà pour ce mystery, en attendant que je poste les swatchs des autres, tu peux voir les swatchs des misteries suivants : "Another Brick In The Wall", "The Federation Of Windurst", "Time Flies Like An Arrow", "Pinky And The Brain" et "Televators".

Here it is for the mystery, until I post the swatchs the other, you can see swatchs the following mysteries: "Another Brick In The Wall", "The Federation Of Windurst", "Time Flies Like An Arrow", "Pinky And The Brain" et "Televators".
Swatch of the nail polish "Lateralus" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

4 commentaires:

  1. Trop joli ce vernis ! J'aime beaucoup sa couleur bleu fonce/violet =). Et puis ces reflets holo.... quelle merveille ^^.
    Des Bisous

  2. ha ouais, il est splendide ce vernis!!! franchement je suis trop jalouse!! lool!!
    gros bizz


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