
▩ October 2013 by Enchanted Polish

Swatch of October 2013 by Enchanted Polish
Hello les filles,
aujourd'hui, je te montre un sublime monthly de la célèbre marque au château : Enchanted Polish. Il s'agit d'October 2013. Et oui, pas de 2014, car je t'ai déjà montré October 2014 par ici ;-)

Hello girls,
today I show you a sublime monthly from the famous castle brand : Enchanted Polish. This is October 2013. This time, no 2014, as I have already shown you October 2014 over here ;-)

Swatch of October 2013 by Enchanted Polish

J'affectionne tout particulièrement ce vernis, car c'est le premier monthly que j'ai acheté directement sur le Big Cartel (site de la marque).

I am particularly fond of this nail varnish, because this is the first monthly I bought directly from the Big Cartel (website of the brand).

Swatch of October 2013 by Enchanted Polish

En 2013, les monthlies d'Enchanted Polish n'étaient pas encore des vernis mystères, on en avait un aperçu via un swatch de Chelsea (la créatrice), et ils étaient vendus en nombre limité, pas de pre-order à l'époque.

In 2013, the Enchanted Polish monthlies were not yet mysteries nail polishes, we had a glimpse through a swatch from Chelsea (the creator) and they were sold in limited numbers, no pre-order back then .

Swatch of October 2013 by Enchanted Polish

À l'époque, les seuls que j'avais vraiment aimé en photo étaient "July 2013" et "August 2013", mais je les avais ratés car j'étais en vacances.

Back then, the only ones I really liked pictured were "July 2013" and "August 2013," but I had missed them because I was on vacation.

Swatch of October 2013 by Enchanted Polish

Je me sens un peu honteuse, car je dois dire que je n'avais pas encore eu l'occasion de le porter, et je suis bien contente de l'avoir enfin fait !!! Je le trouve vraiment magnifique.

I feel a little ashamed, because I have to say that I had not yet had the opportunity to wear it, and I am glad I finally did !!! I think it is really gorgeous.

Swatch of October 2013 by Enchanted Polish

C'est un magnifique gris // anthracite // acier. Il est opaque en deux couches, discret à la lumière naturelle, et est intensément holographique à la lumière artificielle.

This is a beautiful steel // anthracite // grey. It is opaque in two coats, discreet under natural light, and is intensely holographic under artificial light.

Swatch of October 2013 by Enchanted Polish

Je trouve que bien qu'il soit holographique, il est parfait pour la vie de tous les jours, et correspond parfaitement au mois d'Octobre et à une couleur automnale.

I think that although it is an holographic nail polish, it is ideal for every day life, and is a perfect match for October and a fall color.

Swatch of October 2013 by Enchanted Polish

Je ne sais pas quand aura lieu la prochaine vente de monthlies, étant donné que "September 2015", "October 2015" et "November 2015" ont déjà été mis en vente. Mais n'hésite pas à t'inscrire à la newsletter d'Enchanted Polish pour le savoir !

I don't know when is the next sale of monthlies, since "September 2015", "October 2015" and "November 2015" have already been released. But don't hesitate to subscribe to Enchanted Polish's newsletter to find out !

Swatch of October 2013 by Enchanted Polish

Voilà les filles, c'est déjà bientôt la fin de l'année, et comme je t'ai déjà présenté "November 2014", je n'ai plus qu'un seul monthly à te montrer pour l'année 2014 ! Mais rassure toi, j'ai tous les 2015 à te montrer !

Here it is girls, it's already almost the end of the year, and as I have already showed you "November 2014" I have only one monthly left to show you for the year 2014 ! But reassure you, I have all the 2015 to show you !

Swatch of October 2013 by Enchanted Polish

2 commentaires:

  1. I am glad that you brought out to the light this beauty and shared these fantastic swatches! Love the holo effect of it!

    1. Thank You Andrea !
      I really am in love with this one, I think this one of my favorite EPs ;-)


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