
❁ Hey Mama by Glam Polish

Swatch of the nail polish "Hey Mama" from Glam Polish
Hello les filles,
Hier c'était la fête des mères, et pour la peine, j'ai décidé de rester dans l'air du temps en vous présentant le vernis "Hey Mama" de Glam Polish.

Hello girls,
Yesterday was Mother's Day (in France, I don't know why we don't celebrate at the same time that everyone else...), so, I've decided to match my nails with the holiday by introducing you the nail varnish "Hey Mama" from Glam Polish.

Swatch of the nail polish "Hey Mama" from Glam Polish

Ce vernis je me le suis procuré directement sur le site de la marque mais comme ils ne livrent pas en France, je te conseille de te les procurer chez Hypnotic Polish ou Polishinail, ou de consulter la liste des revendeurs ci-joint.

I bought this polish directly on the brand's website but they do not ship worldwide, so I suggest you to get yours at Hypnotic Polish or Polishinail, or to ckeck the list of stockists right here.

Swatch of the nail polish "Hey Mama" from Glam Polish

"Hey Mama" est un vernis rose modérément holographique au léger shimmer argenté. Il fait partie de la collection "Hairspray" qui s'inspire des films et de la comédie musicale du même nom. Il est opaque en deux à trois couches.

"Hey Mama" is a moderately holographic pink nail polish with a light silver shimmer. It is part of the "Hairspray" collection inspired by the movies and the musical of the same name. It is opaque in two to three layers.

Swatch of the nail polish "Hey Mama" from Glam Polish

Pour la petite histoire, "Hey Mama" est en fait une partie des paroles de la chanson "Welcome to the 60's". D'ailleurs, un autre vernis de la collection porte ce nom.

For the record, "Hey Mama" is actually a part of the lyrics of the song "Welcome to the 60's". Besides, another nail polish from the collection is named that way.

Swatch of the nail polish "Hey Mama" from Glam Polish

La collection "Hairspray" se compose des 9 vernis suivants : "Welcome to the 60's", "Run and Tell That", "Without Love", "Ladies Choice", "Hey Mama", "Big Blonde & Beautiful", "New Girl in Town", "Nicest Kids in Town" et "Timeless to Me".

The collection "Hairspray" consists of the following 9 nail lacquers : "Welcome to the 60's", "Run and Tell That", "Without Love", "Ladies Choice", "Hey Mama", "Big Blonde & Beautiful", "New Girl in Town", "Nicest Kids in Town" and "Timeless to Me".

Swatch of the nail polish "Hey Mama" from Glam Polish

Je me suis limitée à n'en prendre que deux : le rose "Hey Mama" que voici, et le joli corail "New Girls In town". Mais je craque aussi sur "Ladies Choice" que j'hésite grandement à prendre !

I limited myself to take only two : the pink "Hey Mama", and the lovely coral "New Girls In town". But I also like "Ladies Choice" that I greatly hesitate to buy !

Swatch of the nail polish "Hey Mama" from Glam Polish

Quoi qu'il en soit cette collec est très jolie et si je pouvais, je les prendrais tous ! Mais j'essaye d'être raisonnable dans la mesure du possible !

Anyway this collection is really pretty and if I could, I would take them all ! But I am trying to be reasonable as far as possible !

Swatch of the nail polish "Hey Mama" from Glam Polish

Voilà pour ce vernis clin d’œil à la fête des mères, j'espère qu'il te plaît ? Et toi qu'as tu porté pour la fête des mères ?

So much for this nail polish nod to Mother's Day, I hope you like it ? And you what did you wear for Mother's Day ?

Swatch of the nail polish "Hey Mama" from Glam Polish

4 commentaires:

  1. pfiouuu il envoi du lours et il tombe a pic cet article!

    1. Hihi, oui un joli rose qui porte bien son nom pour l'occasion ;-)

  2. What a great idea to use a Hey Mama named polish on mother's day! :)) I love this one, the shimmer of it makes it very special!


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