
ঌ The Federation Of Windurst by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

Swatch of "The Federation Of Windurst" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.
Hello les filles,
Aujourd'hui je vous présente le swatch de "The Federation Of Windurst" un vernis mystère de la marque indie canadienne Eat.Sleep.Polish.

Hello girls,
Today I present you the swatch of "The Federation Of Windurst" a mystery nail polish from the Canadian indie brand Eat.Sleep.Polish.

Swatch of "The Federation Of Windurst" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

Je ne vais pas te re-présenter la marque, mais si tu veux en savoir plus, je t'invite à lire cet article ou j'en parle plus amplement.

I'm not going to re-introduce you the brand, but if you want more information, I invite you to read this article or I talk about it in greater details.

Swatch of "The Federation Of Windurst" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

En résumé, je dirais juste qu'Eat.Sleep.Polish est une marque indie canadienne 3 Free, Cruelty Free, et Vegan, et tu peux te la procurer sur le site de la marque ou sur la boutique française My Kingdom For Glitters.

To sum up, I would just say that Eat.Sleep.Polish is a Canadian, 3 Free, Cruelty Free and Vegan indie brand, and you can provide it on the website of the brand or on the French stockist My Kingdom For Glitters.

Swatch of "The Federation Of Windurst" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

Tout comme "Another Brick In The Wall", "The Federation Of Windurst" est un vernis mystère de la marque. Ceux-ci tu ne les trouveras que sur le site de la marque, et ils sont disponibles environ une fois par trimestre.

As "Another Brick In The Wall", "The Federation Of Windurst" is a mystery nail lacquer from the brand. These won't be available elsewhere than on the website's brand, and they are available about once a quarter.

Swatch of "The Federation Of Windurst" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

"The Federation Of Windurst" tire son inspiration de Final Fantasy XI, tout comme quelques autres vernis mystères sortis en même temps : "Mithra", "Rolanberry Fields" , et "Xarcabard".

"The Federation Of Windurst" takes its inspiration from Final Fantasy XI, as some others mysteries nail varnishes released simultaneously: "Mithra", "Rolanberry Fields" and "Xarcabard".

Swatch of "The Federation Of Windurst" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

Pour la petite histoire, et les geekettes parmi nous, "The Federation Of Windurst" est un pays situé sur le continent oriental Mindartia de la planète Vana'diel, au sud de la région appelée Kolshushu.

For the record, and geekettes among us, "The Federation Of Windurst" is a country lyiing on the eastern Mindartia continent of the planet Vana'diel, south of the region referred to as Kolshushu.

Swatch of "The Federation Of Windurst" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

J'aime beaucoup Final Fantasy, même si malheureusement, je n'ai eu que très peu d'occasions d'y jouer. Pour celles qui ne connaissent pas l'univers, sache que "The Federation Of Windurst est une contrée très verte avec un majestueux arbre comme emblème. Cela me fait aussi un peu penser à La Comté du Seigneur des Anneaux.

I really like Final Fantasy, although unfortunately I've had very little opportunities to play. For those who do not know the universe, know that "The Federation Of Windurst is a very green country with a majestic tree as its emblem. It also reminds me of The County from Lord of the Rings.

Swatch of "The Federation Of Windurst" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

"The Federation Of Windurst" est donc un très beau vert sapin holographique au shimmer doré. Je ne connaissais pas ce pays de Final Fantasy XI et je dois dire que ce vernis y correspond tout à fait !

"The Federation Of Windurst" is a beautiful fir green holographic with a golden shimmer. I was not familiar with this land from Final Fantasy XI and I must say that this polish matches it perfectly !

Swatch of "The Federation Of Windurst" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

Il est opaque en deux à trois couches. Je ne le trouve pas forcément idéal pour la saison, mais je pense que je me ferais un plaisir de le porter à Noël !!

It is opaque in two to three layers. I do not necessarily finds it ideal for the season, but I think I'd be happy to wear it for Christmas !!

Swatch of "The Federation Of Windurst" by Eat.Sleep.Polish.

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